Best Poker Training Site For Sng

The unique “Beat the Pro” challenges set you up against poker pros such as Mike Caro, Jonathan Little, Scott Clements, Ed Miller, Scotty Nguyen, and many more. It is the most fun of all the poker training sites because you are actually playing poker instead of watching videos.

  • Overall Rating: 7.5/10
    • 6max: 1/10
    • FR: 1/10
    • MTT: 1/10
    • SNG: 10/10 - This is what the site is devoted to.
    • Other: 1/10
  • Stakes: Covers all stakes SNGs very comprehensively.
  • Notable Pros: darvinvg, tigerbalm.
  • Downloadable Videos: Yes.
  • Price: $75 / 6 months. There are a lot of subscription options available.

SitnGo Grinders sample.

If you scroll to the bottom of the SitnGo Grinders website there are a selection of short sample videos that you can watch.

What SitnGo Grinders is best at.

  • It's hands-down the best site for SNG players.
  • Low subscription fees for a training site.

If you want to get better at Sit and Go tournaments you sign up to SitnGo Grinders. It's as simple as that. Sit n Go Grinders has the best and widest range of SNG videos of any online training sites, so there's no need to look elsewhere.

Sit n Go Grinders offers a bunch of different subscription options depending on how long you want to sign up for. Generally speaking though you can expect to be paying between roughly $10 and $15 a month, which is about half as much as you can expect to pay at other training sites. Cheap as chips and superb value for money.

What SitnGo Grinders isn't great at.

  • Very basic website design.
  • Anything other than SNG strategy.

Best Poker Training Sites 2019

Best poker training sites 2019Best free play poker sites

You don't need me to tell you the website design is basic, check it out for yourself. However, as I say with strategy sites like these, the people that run these websites are poker players at heart, not web designers. The same thing goes for the Poker Pwnage training site - don't let the web design give a negative reflection of the high quality videos they have to offer.


Also, believe it or not... don't sign up to SitnGo Grinders unless you play SNGs almost exclusively. The website name 'SitnGo Grinders' isn't there to fool you. However, if you are a SNG player then this site is the Bee's knees.

Best Live Poker Training Sites

Final thought on SitnGo Grinders.

Look past the basic website design and you have the best resource for SNG strategy videos at SitnGo Grinders.

With the high quality SNG strategy videos and great value for money, Sit 'n' Go Grinders is an easy decision for any SNG player looking for the best training site to help them improve their ROI and win more money. Considering the fact that SitnGo Grinders is devoted to purely SNG players, what else would you expect?